Free Lunch with the Stench Wench
‘A cross between performance art, stand-up, a gig and a call to arms. A humorous and truly compelling performance.’
Desperate Optimists
‘Catherine Hoffmann's StenchWench is a labour of love and hits a home run for the proletariat! If you like your shows raw, real and dipping with beauty, go see this one. It will not disappoint.’
Stacy Makishi
‘At once funny, touching and full of sadness, StenchWench focuses on a harsh hidden upbringing in the UK, marked out by class and abject poverty. Cath takes us on a journey through some very personal experiences in her childhood struggle for survival and the lengths society makes us go to appear ‘normal’.’
Gill Lloyd, Co-Director Artsadmin
A solo show exploring the personal and shared experiences of growing up as one of the ‘feral underclass’ in relation to today’s ‘Austerity Britain’. Fleas, cheap clothes, thrifty bread, cold baths, and debauched disadvantaged dancing will be unleashed as I chart the drive for survival and fitting in.
Stories and songs about how to get by will be shared whilst I attempt to overcome the shame of bareness and celebrate our spirit of community and hope.
A one woman flea circus doled up with faded glory, austerity pants, mouldy scones and hot chocolate.
Supported by The Arts council England, The Bike shed, Kingsley hall
A development following on from showings at Domestic Festival, Salford, presented by Word of Warning and The Guinness Partnership.
The full show previewed at Artsadmin on June 14th 2016.
Also shown at Beyond Bloodlines festival at The Cockpit, 11th June.
Toured UK Theatres and art centres throughout 2017/18 including:
Toynbee studios, Artsadmin
Beyond Bloodlines festival at The Cockpit
MAC, Birmingham
'Common' festival at CPT,
Norwich arts centre,
Colchester arts centre
Buzzcut, Glasgow
Stephen Lawrence gallery, Greenwich
Live Art Bistro, Leeds
Wardrobe Theatre, Bristol
For Hypatia journal for feminist philosophy
'Gender and the politics of shame'
By Dr. Alexandra Kokoli, 2018
Free Lunch with the Stench Wench:
Toward a Synaesthetics of Poverty
and Shame in Catherine Hoffmann's
Creative Team
Written and performed by Catherine Hoffmann Producer: Laura Sweeney
Lighting Designer: Marty Langthorne Press and PR: Anna Goodman, Abstrakt PR
Production: Malachy Orozco
Outside eyes: Florence Peake, Dickie Beau, Katy Baird
Photography: Lesley Ewen, Richard Davenport
Filmed by Tim Newton
Excerpts from Free Lunch with the StenchWench, Artsdamin 2016
Interviews and articles about Free Lunch with the StenchWench:
For Hypatia journal for feminist philosophy 'Gender and the politics of shame'
By Dr. Alexandra Kokoli, Toward a Synaesthetics of Poverty and Shame in Catherine Hoffmann's Performance.
Interview in The Guardian with Nell Frizell:
Article written for Exeunt - 'Where are the voices exploring working class experiences in the arts?'
Blog written for Big Issue North:
Interview with Kelly green for LADA's study room guide
-Let's get Classy - Live art, class and cultural privilege
Ten tips on being feckless and poor for LADA toolkit series - Ways of getting classy